Thursday, August 21, 2008

Is this what I'm in for?

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 KJV

The past two days I've been going to orientation for nursing school. Let me tell you I'm already stressed out! I've been having to go behind the college and fix pretty much everything because of course its my stuff that gets screwed up. I have a test in a week and 4 chapters to read before then on it. Also 3 chapters to read before monday.
In two days I've learned I can't procrastinate anymore. Which I admit is a bad flaw of mine. I'm going to eat, sleep, and live nursing school. That the only people that really know what I'm going to go through is classmates and nurses. Oh and I have to wake up super early which is the worst for me because I'm such a night person.

Sorry for complaining, I'm sure there will be more though hehe. I'm scared and stressing, but also very excited and happy. I got into nursing because I have a huge passion for helping people, plus the pay isn't bad ;) Really though it was when I my Nana fell and hit her head that I decided that this is what I wanted my career to be. All my family had went to watch the fireworks on 4th of July and left my Nana home because she didnt want to go. We came home to find my Nana on the floor with her head busted open. She had tripped and hit her head pretty bad on a chair. I was shocked that I just jumped into what to do. I remember telling everyone else what to do for some reason, and shocking enough it was actually right. That moment made me realize I'm ok at this and I like comforting and helping people. I'm ready to see what I'm getting myself into. I'm going to get through this I know, its going to take alot of work though. I have to go read some now lol. ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A thought shared

"But You O God Do See Trouble And Grief; You Consider It and Take It In Hand."
-Psalm 10:14NIV

Tonight at work me and a co-worker got to talking about alcohol. Now while I don't drink, I have no problems with others doing it. In fact all my friends, but my bestfriend do drink. My only thing is just don't drink and drive. Jennifer, the co-worker, asked me why me and my boyfriend don't drink. He has other good reasons besides mine that he doesn't. I don't drink though because my mom's bestfriend, my Aunt Jill. Her daughter,Kara, got killed in a drunk driving accident at 16 months. My mom was standing there and told Jennifer the story.
See my aunt had been trying to get pregnant for years, and finally did a month after my mom did with me. I was due in July and Kara in August. She was a premature though so the first year of her life she was on oxygen. Well Kara finally got healthy and was doing good. On Christmas Eve my aunt, uncle, and Kara where on the way home from Aunt Jill's mom's house. It was a dirt road and my uncle Kim was driving in front of Aunt Jill and Kara. After a minute he noticed there was no headlights in his rear view mirror. He turned around to see what was wrong and found my Aunt and Kara wrecked into another car. He had to leave my Aunt and rush Kara to the hospital, since they were in the middle of nowhere. He actually had to cut her out of her car seat. I couldn't imagine. My aunt went to one hospital and Kara to another. Two days later Kara died in the hospital. My Aunt Jill didnt even get to say goodbye because she was still recovering. The sick SOB who ran into them drunk lived. In fact that wasnt his first accident. It was his FOURTH! He did a few years in jail, got out and got into I believe 3 other wrecks drunk before going back to jail. Now he's out and isn't allowed to drive a motor operated vechicle. Can you believe that!?!?!? Thats it, all he got.
I don't remember Kara, but I do know her parents very well and know its something they deal with everyday. My aunt went on to have two boys who are 16 and 12 now. I believe they truely are gifts from God. It just amazes me at people who drink and drive. I don't get it. I'm not trying to preach. I just want others and myself to realize to be responsible. I didn't want this to be a sad post, but I wanted to share. Like they say you drink, you drive, you lose.